How to Secure Your Home Before Going on Vacation

By: River City Keys Locksmith Edmonton

Planning a vacation is an exciting time, but it’s crucial not to overlook the security of your home while you’re away.

Unoccupied homes can be an easy target for burglars, and taking steps to secure your property can give you peace of mind.

Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to secure your home before heading out on vacation.

1. Assess Your Home’s Security Needs

Before you leave, evaluate your home’s current security setup. Look for potential vulnerabilities such as old or weak locks, easily accessible windows, or unmonitored areas around your property.

A professional locksmith or security expert can conduct a thorough security audit to help identify areas that need improvement.

Fact: According to Statistics Canada, there were over 159,000 police-reported break-ins in Canada in 2021, with the majority occurring in residential properties .

2. Upgrade Locks and Deadbolts

Consider upgrading to high-security locks on all exterior doors. Deadbolts are particularly important because they provide an extra layer of protection that’s more difficult for intruders to bypass. Ensure all doors have deadbolts installed and that they are functioning correctly.

Tip: Invest in a smart lock system that allows you to monitor and control access remotely, adding another layer of security.

3. Install a Home Security System

A home security system is one of the most effective deterrents against burglars. Whether you choose a monitored system or one that you can manage through your smartphone, having visible cameras and alarms can significantly reduce the risk of a break-in.

Fact: Homes without security systems are up to 300% more likely to be broken into .

4. Secure Windows and Entry Points

Windows are often the weakest point of entry in a home. Make sure all windows have secure locks, and consider installing reinforced glass or security film to make them more resistant to break-ins. Don’t forget to secure sliding doors with a dowel or a security bar to prevent them from being forced open.

5. Maintain the Appearance of Occupancy

One of the best ways to deter burglars is to make it look like someone is home. Use timers to turn lights and electronics on and off at various times throughout the day. Pause your mail and newspaper delivery, or have a neighbour collect them for you.

Tip: Consider parking a car in your driveway or asking a neighbour to use your driveway while you’re away.

6. Safeguard Valuables

If you have valuable items such as jewellery, important documents, or cash, store them in a home safe that is securely bolted to the floor. This adds an extra layer of security, even if someone does gain access to your home.

Fact: In a study by the University of North Carolina, 83% of burglars admitted that they specifically looked for evidence of a security system or safe before attempting a break-in .

7. Exterior Security Enhancements

Install motion-activated lights around your property, especially near entry points, to deter anyone from approaching your home unnoticed. Keep your landscaping trimmed to eliminate potential hiding spots for intruders.

8. Social Media Precautions

Avoid posting about your vacation plans on social media until after you return. Publicly sharing your absence can alert potential burglars that your home is unoccupied.

Tip: Adjust your privacy settings to ensure that only trusted friends and family can see your posts.

9. Final Security Check Before Departure

Before you leave, do a final walkthrough to ensure all doors and windows are locked. Activate your home security system and double-check that all exterior lights are functioning properly. Avoid hiding spare keys outside, as burglars know the usual spots to look.

10. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is the most effective way to secure my home while I’m on vacation?

  • A combination of a home security system, upgraded locks, and maintaining the appearance of occupancy is the most effective approach.

Should I inform my neighbours that I’m going on vacation?

  • Yes, letting a trusted neighbour know allows them to keep an eye on your property and report any suspicious activity.

Are smart locks a good investment for home security?

  • Yes, smart locks allow you to monitor and control access remotely, adding convenience and security.

What should I do with my mail while I’m away?

  • You can pause delivery or have a neighbour collect it to prevent it from piling up, which can be a sign that no one is home.

Is it safe to leave lights on while I’m gone?

  • Yes, using timers to turn lights on and off can create the illusion that someone is home.

What should I do if I have a security breach while on vacation?

  • Contact local authorities immediately and avoid entering your home until they arrive to ensure it is safe.

How often should I update my home security system?

  • Regularly review and update your system to incorporate the latest technology and address any potential vulnerabilities.

Can a locksmith help with securing windows?

  • Yes, locksmiths can install window locks and recommend additional security measures like reinforced glass.

Is it necessary to stop newspaper delivery?

  • Yes, stopping delivery or having someone collect your newspapers helps maintain the appearance of occupancy.

What should I do with valuable items while on vacation?

  • Store them in a secure, bolted-down safe or in a safety deposit box at your bank.

By following these steps, you can significantly reduce the risk of a break-in while you’re away, allowing you to enjoy your vacation with peace of mind.


  1. Statistics Canada, “Police-reported crime statistics in Canada, 2021.”
  2. Safewise, “Home Security Statistics: Trends and Facts for 2023.”
  3. University of North Carolina, “Understanding Decisions to Burglarize from the Offender’s Perspective.”

This article provides practical tips and advice to ensure that your home remains secure while you’re enjoying a well-deserved break.

If you have any questions about our article “How to Secure Your Home Before Going on Vacation” or need locksmith services in Edmonton please contact us at or call us at (780) 265-0062.